Alıcı, Kamil BoratayÖzbay, Ekmel2016-02-082016-02-082008-102162-2701 of Conference: 19–23 October 2008Conference name: Plasmonics and Metamaterials 2008In the present work, after detailed explanation of the metamaterials design methods, we demonstrate two different double negative metamaterial media and their properties in terms of radiation and negative refaraction at the millimeter-wave regime. © 2008 Optical Society of America.EnglishMillimeter wavesPlasmonsDesign methodDouble negative metamaterialsExperimental demonstrationsMetamaterialsHow to design and characterize metal-dielectric based metamaterials: experimental demonstrations of metamaterial applications at the millimeter-wave regimeConference Paper10.1364/META_PLAS.2008.MWC3