Gürbüz-Usluel, Aslı Elif2019-02-072019-02-0720121300-1396http://hdl.handle.net/11693/49045Anonim ortakliklarin ülke ekonomisindeki yeri ve önemi, bunlar uzerinde kamu denetimini gerekli kilmaktadir. Bu kapsamda Yeni Turk Ticaret Kanunu'nda Gümruk ve Ticaret Bakanligi'na ve ticaret sicil müdurlüklerine yeni görev ve yetkilerin verildigi gorülmektedir. Bu aşamada yeni Türk Ticaret Kanunu'nun kamu denetimine ilişkin hükümleri incelenmiş ve kanuna yeni getirilen hikUmlerin degerlendirmesi yapilmiştir.It is necessary to have joint stock companies under state inspection and supervision since they are the key actors in the nation's economy. In this respect, new duties and powers are vested in the "Ministry of Customs and Trade" and "Trade Registry Offices" by the new Turkish Commercial Code (TCC). In this article, provisions regarding state supervision that are contained in the TCC are examined and newly-added provisions are evaluated.TurkishGümrük ve Ticaret BakanlığıTicaret siciliTicaret sicili müdürüFesih davasıBakanlik izniKamu denetimiMinistry of Customs and TradeTrade registry officerAction for dissolutionMinistry authorizationState inspection and supervisionYeni Türk Ticaret Kanunu bağlamında anonim ortaklıklarda kamu denetiminin değerlendirilmesiThe evaluation of state supervision regarding the joint stock companies from the perspective of New Turkish Commercial CodeArticle