Bayrakçeken-Akın, Aylin2020-11-112020-11-1120161016-4537 was written by Saınuel Beckett in 1975 and was first peıfoımed at the Royal Court Theah·e as part of the Samuel Beckett Festival on May 20, 1976. The play was directed by Beckett himself. There are two characters. These are May (M) and her mother Voice (V). However, the audience never sees V but hears her. The ınother is paralyzed and exists only through the care of May. May never leaves hoıne and constantly walks rhythmically on a hard wood floor. The two talk about daily routines, past memories and caring where the dialogues are fragınented, absurd and repetitive. The play consists of four parts and each paıi opens with bells chiming. As the stage darkens, May begins walking on a nine step sh·ip witb a width of one metre. In each part it gets darker and at the end the stage is in darlmess. May and her mother are not there anymore.TurkishMeaning of lifeExistenceDeathRepetitionMonotonyDementiaSchizophreniaBeingBeckett'in ayak sesleri adlı tiyatro eserinde zihinde yankılanmalarLes resonances mentales dans la pıece pas de beckettThe mental echoes in Beckett's footfallsArticle