Ghazanfari, N.Keles, A.Oktel, M. O.2015-07-282015-07-282014-02-212469-9926 consider a rapidly rotating two-component Bose-Einstein condensate with short-range s-wave interactions as well as dipolar coupling. We calculate the phase diagram of vortex lattice structures as a function of the intercomponent s-wave interaction and the strength of the dipolar interaction. We find that the long-range interactions cause new vortex lattice structures to be stable and lead to a richer phase diagram. Our results reduce to the previously found lattice structures for short-range interactions and single-component dipolar gases in the corresponding limits.EnglishBose-Einstein condensatesDipolar couplingsDipolar interactionLattice structuresLong range interactionsShort range interactionsVortex lattice structureVortex latticesBose-Einstein condensationCrystal latticesPhase diagramsShear wavesSuperconducting materialsNeodymium compoundsVortex lattices in dipolar two-compenent Bose-Einstein condensatesArticle10.1103/PhysRevA.89.0256012469-9934