Yılmaz, T.Güdükbay, Uğur2016-02-082016-02-0820071524-0703http://hdl.handle.net/11693/23472In this paper, we propose a framework for urban visualization using a conservative from-region visibility algorithm based on occluder shrinking. The visible geometry in a typical urban walkthrough mainly consists of partially visible buildings. Occlusion-culling algorithms, in which the granularity is buildings, process these partially visible buildings as if they are completely visible. To address the problem of partial visibility, we propose a data structure, called slice-wise data structure, that represents buildings in terms of slices parallel to the coordinate axes. We observe that the visible parts of the objects usually have simple shapes. This observation establishes the base for occlusion-culling where the occlusion granularity is individual slices. The proposed slice-wise data structure has minimal storage requirements. We also propose to shrink general 3D occluders in a scene to find volumetric occlusion. Empirical results show that significant increase in frame rates and decrease in the number of processed polygons can be achieved using the proposed slice-wise occlusion-culling as compared to an occlusion-culling method where the granularity is individual buildings. © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.EnglishSpace subdivisionOctreeOcclusion-cullingOccluder shrinkingMinkowski differenceFrom-region visibilityUrban visualizationConservative occlusion culling for urban visualization using a slice-wise data structureArticle10.1016/j.gmod.2007.01.002