Kahraman, TamerErkoçoğlu, M.Azkur, D.Kocabaş, C. N.Gürsel, İhsan2019-07-052019-07-052012-04http://hdl.handle.net/11693/52125Conference Name: Molecular Immunology & Immunogenetics Congress, MIMIC 2012Date of Conference: 27-29 April 2012Microparticles (MPs) are nanovesicles secreted from wide variety of cells. They have role in cellular communications in addition to their physiological roles in several diseases. In this study, we investigated roles of MPs in allergic diseases. Method Peripheral blood from 43 asthma, 15 atopic dermatitis and 13 healthy subjects were collected. MPs were isolated via differential centrifugation and subjected to Annexin-V staining together with different cell specific surface markers (CD9, CD14, CD42a, CD69 and CD105) and analyzed by FACS. Internalization of MPs by PBMCs were assessed by SP-DiOC staining. Results FACS analysis demonstrated that number of MPs in ml plasma was 8,3 ± 1,5 x105, 3,2 ± 1,8 x105, 1,9 ± 0,8 x105, and 3,2 ± 2,2 x105 in healthy, atopic dermatitis, asthma controlled and asthma attack subjects, respectively.EnglishAllergyMicroparticlesAsthmaDermatitisContribution of plasma microparticles to the clinical manifestation of allergic diseasesConference Paper