Yeltik, AydanGüzeltürk, BurakDemir, Hilmi Volkan2016-02-082016-02-082013 name: CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science 2013Date of Conference: 9–14 June 2013We show enhanced transfer of excitons from the energy-gradient of bilayered green/red-emitting quantum dots into silicon using cascaded nonradiative energy with an overall enhancement factor of 1.3 at room temperature for solar cell sensitization. © 2013 The Optical Society.EnglishSiliconBilayeredBulk siliconCdTe quantum dotsEnhancement factorExciton transferNonradiative energyRed-emittingRoom temperatureExcitonsEnhanced exciton transfer from the cascaded bilayer of green-and red-emitting CdTe quantum dots into bulk siliconConference Paper10.1364/CLEO_QELS.2013.QM4B.5