Karaman, M.Onural, L.2016-02-082016-02-0819890013-5194http://hdl.handle.net/11693/26236A fast radi-2-based median filtering algorithm is proposed. The median is determined bit-by-bit successively by eliminating the samples whose previous bits are different to that of the median. The intermediate computations of the algorithm do not involve any array computation, nor any memory. The worst-case computational complexity of the algorithm is O(w) for w samples.EnglishComputer ProgrammingElectric FiltersSignal Filtering and PredictionFast Median FilteringMedian Filtering AlgorithmNonlinear SmoothingRadix-2-Based AlgorithmImage ProcessingNew radix-2-based algorithm for fast median filteringArticle10.1049/el:19890490