Coşkun, O.Yalçın, Ergün2020-02-042020-02-0420190021-8693 develop an obstruction theory for the existence and uniqueness of a solution to the gluing problem for a biset functor defined on the subquotients of a finite group G. The obstruction groups for this theory are the reduced cohomology groups of a category D∗ G whose objects are the sections (U, V ) of G, where 1 = V U ≤ G, and whose morphisms are defined as a generalization of morphisms in the orbit category. Using this obstruction theory, we calculate the obstruction group for some well-known p-biset functors, such as the Dade group functor defined on p-groups with p odd.EnglishBiset functorsDade groupHigher limitsQuillen categoryObstructions for gluing biset functorsArticle10.1016/j.jalgebra.2019.05.026