Kahraman, GökcanKaya, Emre KâmilKoçtekin, KutayUmurhan, MertYılmaz, Senih2022-12-152022-12-152019http://hdl.handle.net/11693/111093This work is a student project of the Department of History, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University.Ankara: İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent Üniversitesi İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü, 2019.The History of Turkey course (HIST200) is a requirement for all Bilkent undergraduates. It is designed to encourage students to work in groups on projects concerning any topic of their choice that relates to the history of Turkey. It is designed as an interactive course with an emphasis on research and the objective of investigating events, chronologically short historical periods, as well as historic representations. Students from all departments prepare and present final projects for examination by a committee, with 10 projects chosen to receive awards.Includes bibliographical references (pages 17-18).Lozan Barış Antlaşması sonrasında gerçekleşen Nüfus Mübadelesi, Türkiye tarihinde önemli bir yere sahiptir. 1924 yılında gerçekleşen ve etkileri günümüzde hâlâ hissedilen bu önemli olay, birçok insanın yaşadıkları yerden göç etmesine sebep olmuştur. Bu antlaşma ile yerlerini değiştiren insanlara mübadil denmektedir. Yunanistan’dan Türkiye’ye göç etmiş mübadiller, Trakya bölgesi başta olmak üzere Anadolu’nun pek çok yerine yerleştiler. Mahmut Şevket Paşa Köyü, bu mübadillerin yerleştiği yerleşim yerlerinden biridir. Köyün mübadele sonrası sosyal, ekonomik ve kültürel değişimleri gerçekten ilgi uyandırmaktadır.The Population Exchange between Turkey and Greece which took place after the Treaty of Lausanne has an important role in Turkish history. Today, the effects of this event can still be seen. It caused many people to migrate. People who were forced to migrate because of the population exchange between Turkey and Greece are called as “mübadil”. These migrant settled in different parts of Turkey but mainly in the region of Thrace. The village of Mahmut Sevket Pasha which is located in the north side of Istanbul, is just one of he places that the migrant settled down. Economic, cultural and social changes of the village after the population exchange are worth to know.21 pagesTurkishCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlikeMahmut Şevket PaşaMübadilDeğişimMübadeleMigrationChangeMahmut Şevket Paşa Köyü’nün Cumhuriyet Dönemi tarihiStudent ProjectSPB3136