Değim, İ. A.2018-04-122018-04-1220131741-1548 discussion of Turkish identity both within the boundaries of the country and outside has been a part of an ongoing debate since Turkey began the long and still-unfinished process of accession to the European Union. Turkish identity, having a multi-layered structure, is connected to various religious, political and social systems that complicate the process of defining 'the Turk' and where he or she might stand within a given context. When projected onto the cinema screen, this issue takes on a whole new perspective that both harmonizes a certain aesthetic value while also showing the struggle of 'Turkish' characters in society. What is more, the question of origin and ethnic roots comes into play, as in the case of 'Turkish' directors who were born and/or who have lived in Europe, such as Nuri Bilge Ceylan and Fatih Akin.EnglishCinema and politics: Turkish cinema and the new europe (2009)Review10.1386/seci.10.2-3.85_2