Ozcan, R.Altingovde, I. S.Ulusoy, O.2016-02-082016-02-0820112330-1635http://hdl.handle.net/11693/21979Caching of query results is an important mechanism for efficiency and scalability of web search engines. Query results are cached and presented in terms of pages, which typically include 10 results each. In navigational queries, users seek a particular website, which would be typically listed at the top ranks (maybe, first or second) by the search engine, if found. For this type of query, caching and presenting results in the 10-per-page manner may waste cache space and network bandwidth. In this article, we propose nonuniform result page models with varying numbers of results for navigational queries. The experimental results show that our approach reduces the cache miss count by up to 9.17% (because of better utilization of cache space). Furthermore, bandwidth usage, which is measured in terms of number of snippets sent, is also reduced by 71% for navigational queries. This means a considerable reduction in the number of transmitted network packets, i.e., a crucial gain especially for mobile-search scenarios. A user study reveals that users easily adapt to the proposed result page model and that the efficiency gains observed in the experiments can be carried over to real-life situations. © 2011 ASIS&T.EnglishBandwidth usageCache missEfficiency gainNavigational queriesNetwork bandwidthNetwork packetsNonuniformPage modelsQuery resultsUser studyWeb search enginesNavigationSearch enginesWebsitesInformation retrievalExploiting navigational queries for result presentation and caching in Web search enginesArticle10.1002/asi.21496