Tanatar, Bilal2016-02-082016-02-0819940038-1098http://hdl.handle.net/11693/26005Under favorable conditions, a new collective mode besides the usual plasmons may exist in degenerate electron-hole liquids. We calculate the dispersion and damping of this new mode (called the acoustic plasmon mode) in a quasi-one-dimensional, two-component electron liquid. We carry out our calculations first within the random-phase approximation, then include the effects of local-field corrections using a Hubbard-like approximation. The latter decreases the acoustic plasmon dispersion. © 1994.EnglishAcoustic dispersionApproximation theoryCharge carriersDampingLattice vibrationsMathematical modelsRandom processesAcoustic plasmon modeElectron hole liquidsHarmonic confinement potentialElectronsCollective modes in a quasi-one-dimensional, two-component electron liquidArticle10.1016/0038-1098(94)90456-1