Taşdemir, BurakGudukbay, M. G.Eldenk, DoğaçMeric, A.Dündar, Ayşegül2024-03-112024-03-112023-11-010920-5691https://hdl.handle.net/11693/114480Translating face photos into portrait drawings takes hours for a skilled artist which makes automatic generation of them desirable. Portrait drawing is a difficult image translation task with its own unique challenges. It requires emphasizing important key features of faces as well as ignoring many details of them. Therefore, an image translator should have the capacity to detect facial features and output images with the selected content of the photo preserved. In this work, we propose a method for portrait drawing that only learns from unpaired data with no additional labels. Our method via unsupervised feature learning shows good domain generalization behavior. Our first contribution is an image translation architecture that combines the high-level understanding of images with unsupervised parts and the identity preservation behavior of shallow networks. Our second contribution is a novel asymmetric pose-based cycle consistency loss. This loss relaxes the constraint on the cycle consistency loss which requires an input image to be reconstructed after transformations to a portrait and back to the input image. However, going from an RGB image to a portrait, information loss is expected (e.g. colors, background). This is what cycle consistency constraint tries to prevent and when applied to this scenario, results in learning a translation network that embeds the overall information of RGB images into portraits and causes artifacts in portrait images. Our proposed loss solves this issue. Lastly, we run extensive experiments both on in-domain and out-of-domain images and compare our method with state-of-the-art approaches. We show significant improvements both quantitatively and qualitatively on three datasets.EnglishCC BY 4.0 Deed (Attribution 4.0 International)https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Portrait drawingUnsupervised part segmentationsUnpaired image translationCycle consistency adversarial networksLearning portrait drawing with unsupervised partsArticle10.1007/s11263-023-01927-21573-1405