Tanatar, BilalMutluay, N.2016-02-082016-02-0819981434-6028http://hdl.handle.net/11693/25346We study the spin correlations in two- and three-dimensional electron liquids within the sum-rule version of the self-consistent field approach of Singwi, Tosi, Land, and Sjölander. Analytic expressions for the spin-antisymmetric static structure factor and the corresponding local-field correction are obtained with density dependent coefficients. We calculate the spin-dependent pair-correlation functions, paramagnon dispersion, and static spin-response function within the present model, and discuss the spin-density wave instabilities in double-layer electron systems.English71.10.-w Theories and models of many electron systems71.45.Gm Exchange, correlation, dielectric and magnetic functions, plasmons73.20.Dx Electron states in low-dimensional structures (superlattices, quantum well structures and mutlilayers)Quantum theoryTheoryElectron liquidsParamagnon dispersionSelf-consistent field approachSpin correlationElectronic structureSpin correlations in electron liquids: Analytical results for the local-field correction in two and three dimensionsArticle10.1007/s1005100502041434-6036