Toren, P.Ozgur E.Bayındır, Mehmet2018-04-122018-04-1220161473-0197 review targets diversified oligonucleotide-based biodetection techniques, focusing on the use of microresonators of whispering gallery mode (WGM) type as optical biosensors mostly integrated with lab-on-a-chip systems. On-chip and microfluidics combined devices along with optical microresonators provide rapid, robust, reproducible and multiplexed biodetection abilities in considerably small volumes. We present a detailed overview of the studies conducted so far, including biodetection of various oligonucleotide biomarkers as well as deoxyribonucleic acids (DNAs), ribonucleic acids (RNAs) and proteins. We particularly advert to chemical surface modifications for specific and selective biosensing.EnglishAntibody conjugateDNAMessenger RNAOligonucleotidePeptide nucleic acidProteinRNATransfer RNABinding kineticsCatalysisDNA hybridizationDNA methylationDNA probeGene amplificationGenetic variationMicrofluidicsNonhumanNucleotide sequenceOligonucleotide probeOptical biosensorPriority journalProtein analysisPseudomonas aeruginosaReviewSingle nucleotide polymorphismSurface plasmon resonanceSurface propertyOligonucleotide-based label-free detection with optical microresonators: strategies and challengesReview10.1039/c6lc00521g1473-0189