Öztürk, Dilan2017-08-252017-08-252017-082017-082017-08-16http://hdl.handle.net/11693/33555Cataloged from PDF version of article.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 66-71).Being one of the most popular saturation compensator methods, anti-windup mechanism is commonly used in various control applications. The problems arising from the system nonlinearities are prone to change the behaviors of the system adversely in time such as performance degradation or instability. Anti-windup schemes including internal model structure with the robust compensator are crucial in terms of preserving the system stability and minimizing the tracking error when controller operates at the limits of the actuator. Saturation problem is further aggravated by the dead-time that appears frequently in the systems depending on processing of sensed signals or transferring control signals to plants. Smith predictor based controllers are e cient in the compensation of time delay, indeed the controller is designed by eliminating the delay element from the characteristic equation of the closed-loop system. We apply Smith predictor based controller design for the system incorporating time delay and integral action to achieve high performance sinusoidal tracking. This study extends an anti-windup scheme via Smith predictor based controller approach by redesigning the transfer functions within the anti-windup structure. We present simulation studies on the plant transfer function including time delay and integrator to illustrate that our extended structure successfully accomplish accurate tracking under the saturation nonlinearity.xii, 71 leaves : charts (some color) ; 29 cm.Englishinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAnti-windupSaturationTime Delay SystemsSmith Predictor Based ControllerPeriodic Sinusoidal TrackingAn anti-windup compensator for systems with time delay and integral actionZaman gecikmeli ve integral eylemli sistemler için integral yığılması düzenleyiciThesisB156106