Hakalmaz, Turaç2023-02-012023-02-012022-122022-122023-01-24http://hdl.handle.net/11693/111171Cataloged from PDF version of article.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 248-282).Peter I of Lusignan, the King of Cyprus who ruled between 1358 and 1369 is one of the most picturesque rulers of Medieval Cyprus and the Mediterranean history. From the very beginning of his rule to his murder, Peter raided to the Anatolian coasts and launched two tours to Europe to be able to gain support for his planned Crusade. He was unable to obtain financial support he sought to receive, but he managed to strengthen his position to throne and, after a few years of effort, in control of a small army he had been harvesting for years, launched the Alexandrian Crusade despite the fact that he could only sack the city and was forced to retreat. In the following years, he continued the raids against the Mamluks and the Turkish emirates in Anatolia, but Peter’s plans failed to go as planned as he was killed by his lords as a result of never-ending conflicts and troublesome domestic affairs. Peter is considered as one of the most energetic rulers in Lusignan Cyprus, but Available studies predominantly and separately focus on the economics or the political aspects of this period. These studies are shortfall as they are unable to generate integrated works. This thesis proposes that Peter’s actions in his life are derived out of his ambitious and dedicated character. In this context this thesis, developing a new point of view, aims to provide a convincing biography of Lusignan king Peter I, and aims to portray the king by uderlining the rationale behind the important developments during his reign.x, 366 leaves : tables ; 30 cm.Englishinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessKingdom of CyprusLusignansCrusadesAlexandrian CrusadePeter IAn Island and its king: Peter I of LusignanBir ada ve kralı: Lüzinyanlı Peter IThesisB161699