Polatoğlu, Lütfi Hakan2016-02-082016-02-0819910925-5273http://hdl.handle.net/11693/26190In this paper, we consider simultaneous pricing and procurement decisions associated with a one-period pure inventory model under deterministic or probabilistic demand. We investigate the necessary and sufficient conditions for an (σ, Σ) type policy to be optimal for the determination of the procurement quantity. We also show how the corresponding optimal price can be obtained. © 1991.EnglishDecision Theory And AnalysisInventory Control--CostsMarketing--ManagementTechnological ForecastingDeterministic DemandPricing DecisionsProbabilistic DemandProcurement QuantityInventory ControlOptimal order quantity and pricing decisions in single-period inventory systemsArticle10.1016/0925-5273(91)90060-7