Reggiani, LucaFiorina, JocelynGezici, SinanMorosi, SimoneNajar, Montse2018-04-122018-04-1220131687-725X context refers to "any information that can be used to characterize the situation of an entity, where an entity can be a person, place, or physical object." Radio context awareness is defined as the ability of detecting and estimating a system state or parameter, either globally or concerning one of its components, in a radio system for enhancing performance at the physical, network, or application layers. In this paper, we review the fundamentals of context awareness and the recent advances in the main radio techniques that increase the context awareness and smartness, posing challenges and renewed opportunities to added-value applications in the context of the next generation of wireless networks.EnglishAdded-value applicationsContext- awarenessOR applicationsPhysical objectsSystem stateSensorsRadio context awareness and applicationsReview10.1155/2013/491092