Petrás I.Beleznai, C.Dedeolğu, YiğithanPards, M.Kovács L.Szlávik, Z.Havasi L.Szirányi, T.Töreyin, B. UğurGüdükbay, UğurÇetin, A.hmet EnisCanton-Ferrer, C.2016-02-082016-02-082007-07 of Conference: 09 - 11 July, 2007Conference name: CIVR '07 Proceedings of the 6th ACM international conference on Image and video retrievalVisual surveillance and activity analysis is an active research field of computer vision. As a result, there are several different algorithms produced for this purpose. To obtain more robust systems it is desirable to integrate the different algorithms. To help achieve this goal, we propose a flexible, distributed software collaboration framework and present a prototype system for automatic event analysis. Copyright 2007 ACM.EnglishAnomaly detectionDistributed systemEvent detectionVisual surveillanceActivity analysisPrototype systemsRobust systemsVisual surveillanceAlgorithmsBehavioral researchDistributed computer systemsRobust controlComputer visionFlexible test-bed for unusual behavior detectionConference Paper10.1145/1282280.1282297