Çiçekli, İlyas2016-02-082016-02-0820050922-6567http://hdl.handle.net/11693/27300This paper presents a generalization technique that induces translation templates from a given set of translation examples by replacing differing parts in the examples with typed variables. Since the type of each variable is inferred during the learning process, each induced template is also associated with a set of type constraints. The type constraints that are associated with a translation template restrict the usage of the translation template in certain contexts in order to avoid some of the wrong translations. The types of variables are induced using type lattices designed for both the source and target languages. The proposed generalization technique has been implemented as a part of an example-based machine translation system.EnglishExample-based MTMachine learningFormal languagesLearning systemsSet theoryExample-based MTTranslation (languages)Inducing translation templates with type constraintsArticle10.1007/s10590-006-9014-61573-0573