Yan, F.Demir, Hilmi Volkan2020-02-102020-02-1020192040-3364http://hdl.handle.net/11693/53216The emerging family of lead–halide perovskite (LHP) nanocrystal emitters has shown impressive achievements in solid-state light-emitting applications. With luminous efficiency comparable to that of organic light-emitting diodes, LHP light-emitting diodes (PeLEDs) have demonstrated a wide colour gamut with high colour purity and a widely tunable range of emissive wavelengths across the whole visible range. Herein, the understanding of LHP nanocrystals in light emission and the resulting PeLEDs are reviewed. Additionally, key features of LHP nanocrystal emitters applied in PeLEDs and guidelines towards realizing high-performance devices are discussed.EnglishLead–halide perovskite (LHP)Organic light-emitting diodesLHP light-emitting diodesLHP nanocrystalsPeLEDsLEDs using halide perovskite nanocrystal emittersReview10.1039/c9nr03533h