Küçük, M. N.2019-02-212019-02-2120181468-3849http://hdl.handle.net/11693/50098International relations (IR) scholarship rests on a conception of ‘the international’ based on the experiences of core actors. A burgeoning literature has asked what IR would look like if non-core actors’ conceptions of ‘the international’ were also considered. This article analyzes conceptions of ‘the international’ in Turkey as an example of a non-core context. In doing this, the article develops and offers a new analytical framework which breaks down the components of conceptions of ‘the international’ into three questions: ‘what’, ‘who’, and ‘where’ of world politics-namely, the main dynamics of world politics, the main actors of world politics, and the location where world politics takes place. I utilize this framework to empirically analyze the election manifestos and party programs of the political parties in Turkey, and tease out their conceptions of ‘the international.’ The article concludes by considering the implications of these findings for IR scholarship in general.EnglishInternational relationsInternational relations theoryPolitical partiesTurkeyTurkish politicsConceptions of ‘the international’ beyond the core: Turkey in the post-Cold War eraArticle10.1080/14683849.2018.1468757