Yaman, H.2016-02-082016-02-0820130167-6377http://hdl.handle.net/11693/20846We study the convex hull of the splittable flow arc set with capacity and minimum load constraints. This set arises as a relaxation of problems where clients have demand for a resource that can be installed in integer amounts and that has capacity limitations and lower bounds on utilization. We prove that the convex hull of this set is the intersection of the convex hull of the set with a capacity constraint and the convex hull of the set with a minimum load constraint.EnglishConvex hullMinimum load constraintsMixed integer knapsack setResidual capacity inequalitiesSplittable flow arc setMinimum loadMixed integerResidual capacitySplittable flowsManagement scienceOperations researchComputational geometryThe splittable flow arc set with capacity and minimum load constraintsArticle10.1016/j.orl.2013.07.0051872-7468