Pamuk, S.Yalçın, E.2016-02-082016-02-0820140092-7872 G be a finite group and ℱ be a family of subgroups of G closed under conjugation and taking subgroups. We consider the question whether there exists a periodic relative ℱ-projective resolution for ℤ when ℱ is the family of all subgroups H ≤ G with rk H ≤ rkG - 1. We answer this question negatively by calculating the relative group cohomology ℱH*(G, F{double-struck}2) where G = ℤ/2 × ℤ/2 and ℱ is the family of cyclic subgroups of G. To do this calculation we first observe that the relative group cohomology ℱH*(G, M) can be calculated using the ext-groups over the orbit category of G restricted to the family ℱ. In second part of the paper, we discuss the construction of a spectral sequence that converges to the cohomology of a group G and whose horizontal line at E 2 page is isomorphic to the relative group cohomology of G. © 2014 Copyright Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.EnglishGroup cohomologyHigher limitsOrbit categoryRelative group cohomology and the Orbit categoryArticle10.1080/00927872.2013.7760661532-4125