Tuncalp, Seçil2019-01-282019-01-2819880309-0566http://hdl.handle.net/11693/48411The marketing research scene in Saudi Arabia is investigated, where a number of environmental factors make marketing research a formidable undertaking. Cultural factors, such as language, religion and social etiquettes, hamper questionnaire surveys. As sampling frames and accurate maps are not available, probabilistic samples are difficult to construct. The private nature of the local people hinders data collection. In addition, the number of public and private sector organisations with research capabilities are few. Some secondary sources of information in the public sector exist. In light of recent interest in information, the future prospects for a wider diffusion of marketing research in Saudi Arabia look bright.EnglishMarketing researchSaudi ArabiaMarketing research in Saudi ArabiaArticle10.1108/EUM00000000052821758-7123