Yazici, M. A.Akar, N.2016-02-082016-02-0820130166-5316http://hdl.handle.net/11693/20720We propose a numerical algorithm for finding the steady-state queue occupancy distribution for a workload-dependent MAP/PH/1 queue in which the arrival process and the service rate depend continuously on the instantaneous workload in the system. Both infinite and finite queue capacity scenarios are considered, including partial rejection and complete rejection policies for the latter. Using discretization, this system is approximately described by a multi-regime Markov fluid queue for which numerical algorithms are available. The computational complexity of the proposed method is linear in the number of regimes used for discretization. We provide numerical examples to validate the proposed approach.EnglishBlock-LU factorizationMarkov fluid queuesMarkovian arrival processPhase-type distributionWorkload-dependent queuesArrival processDiscretizationsMarkov fluid queuesMarkovian arrival processNumerical algorithmsPhase type distributionsService ratesWorkload-dependent queuesAlgorithmsMarkov processesQueueing theoryThe workload-dependent MAP/PH/1 queue with infinite/finite workload capacityArticle10.1016/j.peva.2013.09.002