Kalpaklı, MehmetAndrews, W.Talattof, K.Clinton, J. W.2019-05-142019-05-1420009781349626151http://hdl.handle.net/11693/51249Sometime in the last fifteen years of the twelfth century, the Shirvanshah Akhsatan made a request of the poet Nizami: Mīkhāham ke konūn be yād-e majnūn rānī sokhan cho dorr-e maknūn (48)1 I wish you now in Majnun’s recollection to speak poetic words like pearls of perfectionEnglishTurkish versionTurkish mannerLyric poetLyric poetryEarly fourteenth centuryLayla grows up: Nizami’s Layla and Majnun “in the Turkish Manner”Book Chapter10.1007/978-1-137-09836-8_39781137098368