Acar, BurakÖzçakır, LütfüKöymen, Hayrettin2016-02-082016-02-081997-09 of Conference: 7-10 Sept. 1997Conference name: Computers in Cardiology 1997In this paper, the morphological information redundancy in standard 12 lead ECG channels is studied. Study is based on decomposing the ECG channels into orthogonal channels by an SVD based algorithm and then reconstructing them. Then 7 of 8 independently recorded ECG channels are decomposed and the missing channel is reconstructed from these orthogonal channels. Thus the unique morphological information content of each ECG channel is assessed through the loss of clinical information in the reconstructed signal. A comparison of the clinical parameters measured from the reconstructed and original ECG is reported.EnglishAlgorithmsImage reconstructionRedundancySignal processingSingular value decomposition (SVD)ElectrocardiographyAssessment of information redundancy in ECG signalsConference Paper10.1109/CIC.1997.648153