Naughton, T.J.Kreis, T.Onural, LeventFerraro, P.Depeursinge, C.Emery, Y.Hennelly, B. M.Kujawiñska, M.2016-02-082016-02-082009-040277-786X of Conference: 13-17 April 2009Conference name: Proceedings - Three-Dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display - SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing, 2009In digital holography, holograms are usually optically captured and then two-dimensional slices of the reconstruction volume are reconstructed by computer and displayed on a two-dimensional display. When the recording is of a three-dimensional scene then such two-dimensional display becomes restrictive. We outline our progress on capturing larger ranges of perspectives of three-dimensional scenes, and our progress on four approaches to better visualise this three-dimensional information encoded in the digital holograms. The research has been performed within a European Commission funded research project dedicated the capture, processing, transmission, and display of real-world 3D and 4D scenes using digital holography. © 2009 SPIE.EnglishDigital hologramsDigital holographyEuropean CommissionReal-worldThree-dimensional displayThree-dimensional informationThree-dimensional scenesComputer generated holographyHologramsHolographic interferometryImaging systemsIndustrial researchTwo dimensionalVisualizationThree dimensionalProcessing of optically-captured digital holograms for three-dimensional displayConference Paper10.1117/12.821866