Bülbül, AbdullahKoca, ÇetinÇapin, TolgaGüdükbay, Uğur2016-02-082016-02-082010-07http://hdl.handle.net/11693/28551Date of Conference: 23-24 July, 2010Conference name: APGV '10 Proceedings of the 7th Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and VisualizationWe propose a technique to calculate the saliency of animated meshes with material properties. The saliency computation considers multiple features of 3D meshes including their geometry, material and motion. Each feature contributes to the final saliency map which is view independent; and therefore, can be used for view dependent and view independent applications. To verify our saliency calculations, we performed an experiment in which we use an eye tracker to compare the saliencies of the regions that the viewers look with the other regions of the models. The results confirm that our saliency computation gives promising results. We also present several applications in which the saliency information is used. © 2010 ACM.EnglishComputer animationHuman visual systemMesh simplificationPerceptionMesh saliencyImage processingMaterials propertiesVisualizationAnimationSaliency for animated meshes with material propertiesConference Paper10.1145/1836248.1836263