Çaykent, Özlem2016-01-082016-01-081997http://hdl.handle.net/11693/28966Cataloged from PDF version of article.Includes bibliographical refences.This thesis deals with two British Tory Highchurchmen, namely Charles Leslie and William Jones of Nayland. The fonner has produced his works during the Iate seventeenth-century and the early eighteenth-century; whereas the latter has written during the later eighteenth-century. Their main concem was the defence of Anglican doctrine which detennined the framework of their works being the dissenting ideas and church-state relationship. Although Leslie and Jones of Nayland shared the traditional orthodox Anglican views and believed in the existence of a threat directed towards the church, the emphasis intheir works differed. Whereas the King' s interference in religious issues was Leslie's main concem asa threat, Jones ofNayland dealt with dissenting ideas - particularly the rationalist one - that constituted a danger to both church and state. This difference should be seen as a result of the different political and intellectual atmosphere of the period they wrote in.xix, 83 leavesEnglishinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessBX5132 .C39 1997Church of England."Church in danger" : The views of two eighteenth-century high-churchmenThesisBILKUTUPB038462