Özbay, EkmelIslam, M. S.Onat, B.Gökkavas, M.Aytür, O.Tuttle, G.Towe, E.Henderson, R. H.Ünlü, M. S.Özbay, Ekmel2016-02-082016-02-081997-051041-1135http://hdl.handle.net/11693/25634We report the fabrication and testing of a GaAs-based high-speed resonant cavity enhanced (RCE) Schottky photodiode. The top-illuminated RCE detector is constructed by integrating a Schottky contact, a thin absorption region (In0.8Ga0.92As) and a distributed AlAs-GaAs Bragg mirror. The Schottky contact metal serves as a high-reflectivity top mirror in the RCE detector structure. The devices were fabricated by using a microwave-compatible fabrication process. The resulting spectral photo response had a resonance around 895 nm, in good agreement with our simulations. The full-width-at-half-maximum (FWHM) was 15 nm, and the enhancement factor was in excess of 6. The photodiode had an experimental setup limited temporal response of 18 ps FWHM, corresponding to a 3-dB bandwidth of 20 GHz.EnglishHigh-speed circuits/devicesPhotodetectorsPhotodiodesResonant caity enhancementSchottky diodesBandwidthElectric contactsFrequency responseIntegrated optoelectronicsMirrorsPhotodetectorsSchottky barrier diodesSemiconducting aluminum compoundsSemiconducting gallium arsenideSemiconductor device manufactureSemiconductor device testingFull width at half maximum (FWHM)Resonant cavity enhanced (RCE) Schottky photodiodesSchottky metal contactsPhotodiodesFabrication of high-speed resonant cavity enhanced schottky photodiodesArticle10.1109/68.588199