Yavuz, Göktuğ SamiSaygılı, BerkayAydınlı, YasinDalkıran, RıfatEsin, IremUluçay, MeritUykulu, BatuhanKıyma, Sümeyye SenaArıkan, OrhanYıldız, Ayberk Yarkın2025-02-232025-02-232024-06-23979-8-3503-8897-8979-8-3503-8896-12165-0608https://hdl.handle.net/11693/116682Conference Name:32nd IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU)Date of Conference:MAY 15-18, 2024Electronic Support Measures (ESM) devices are key to situational awareness of the electromagnetic environment in the field. However, the current ESM systems tend to be physically large and cumbersome. To mitigate this problem, a portable ESM device is proposed. In this work, a compact single-board computer (SBC) is coupled with a Software Defined Radio (SDR) to create such a device. Signals received by the SDR are sampled within the SDR and sent to the SBC. Those signals are then processed with various signal processing and machine learning algorithms to perform detection, measurement, and classification tasks. Later, these results are reported to the user.TurkishElectronic support measuresRadar signal processingMachine learningSoftware-defined radioDetection and classification architecture for sdr based radar electronic support measure systemsConference Paper10.1109/SIU61531.2024.10600750