Eriç, FulinBayrakçı, İremYüksel, Süeda EceÖzkurt, Gül SezinSüslü, Berire2024-07-112024-07-112024 work is a student project of the Department of History, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University.The History of Turkey course (HIST200) is a requirement for all Bilkent undergraduates. It is designed to encourage students to work in groups on projects concerning any topic of their choice that relates to the history of Turkey. It is designed as an interactive course with an emphasis on research and the objective of investigating events, chronologically short historical periods, as well as historic representations. Students from all departments prepare and present final projects for examination by a committee, with 10 projects chosen to receive awards.Ankara : İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent Üniversitesi İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü, 2024.Includes bibliographical references (page 12).15 Ocak 1944 yılında doğan, Aydın’ın ilk generali Feridun Öztürk, dokuz ilin jandarma teşkilatından sorumluydu. Bu makalede Feridun Öztürk’ün hayatı ve Türkiye’ye olan katkılarını anlatılacaktır. Çocukluğundan başlayıp general olma yolunda yaşadığı zorluklar, askeri hayatında aldığı ödüller ve Türkiye’ye sağladığı katkılardan bahsedilmiştir. Birincil kaynak olarak Feridun Öztürk’ün kendisiyle yapılan röportaj, kendisinin kaleme aldığı özgeçmiş ve gazete haberleri kullanılmıştır. Bu projenin amacı sözlü kaynak yöntemi kullanılarak Feridun Öztürk’ün hayatını anlatmak ve Aydın ili için önemini belirtmektir.Feridun Öztürk, the first general of Aydın, born on January 15, 1944, was responsible for the gendarmerie organizations of nine provinces. In this article, Feridun Öztürk's life and his contributions to Turkey will be explained. Starting from his childhood, the difficulties he experienced on the way to becoming a general, the awards he received in his military life and his contributions to Turkey were mentioned. The interview with Feridun Öztürk, his own CV and newspaper news were used as primary sources. The aim of this project is to indicate the importance of Feridun Öztürk for the province of Aydın by using the oral source method.14 pagestrCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlikeGeneralAydınKara Harp OkuluAskerFeridun ÖztürkTurkish Military AcademySoldierAydın’ın ilk generali Feridun Öztürk’ün hayatı ve katkılarıStudent ProjectSPB4779