Demirel, E.Tanatar, Bilal2016-02-082016-02-0819990038-1098 study the correlation effects in a one-dimensional electron gas with repulsive delta-function interaction. The correlation effects are described by a local-field correction which takes into account the short-range correlations. We find that the ground state energy is in good agreement with the exact result up to intermediate coupling strengths, showing an improvement over the STLS approximation. The compressibility, the static structure factor and the pair-correlation function are also calculated within the present approximation.EnglishApproximation theoryCompressibility of gasesElectronic structureGround stateNanostructured materialsThermodynamic propertiesSingwi-Tosi-Land-Sjolander (STLS) approximationElectron gasCorrelation effects in a one-dimensional electron gas with short-range interactionArticle10.1016/S0038-1098(99)00003-4