Kalaycıoğlu, HamitEken, K.İlday, F. Ömer2016-02-082016-02-082011-08-230146-9592http://hdl.handle.net/11693/21796We demonstrate burst-mode operation of a polarization-maintaining Yb-doped fiber amplifier. Groups of pulses with a temporal spacing of 10 ns and 1 kHz overall repetition rate are amplified to an average pulse energy of ∼20 μJ and total burst energy of 0:25 mJ. The pulses are externally compressed to ∼400 fs. The amplifier is synchronously pulsed-pumped to minimize amplified spontaneous emission between the bursts. We characterize the influence of pump pulse duration, pump-to-signal delay, and signal burst length.EnglishAmplified spontaneous emissionsBurst lengthBurst-mode operationPolarization maintainingPulse energiesPump pulseRepetition rateFiber amplifiersOptical pumpingPumpsYtterbiumPulse repetition rateFiber amplification of pulse bursts up to 20 μj pulse energy at 1 kHz repetition rateArticle10.1364/OL.36.003383