Uçar, B.Aykanat, Cevdet2016-02-082016-02-0820041064-82751095-7197http://hdl.handle.net/11693/24144This paper addresses the problem of one-dimensional partitioning of structurally unsymmetric square and rectangular sparse matrices for parallel matrix-vector and matrix-transpose-vector multiplies. The objective is to minimize the communication cost while maintaining the balance on computational loads of processors. Most of the existing partitioning models consider only the total message volume hoping that minimizing this communication-cost metric is likely to reduce other metrics. However, the total message latency (start-up time) may be more important than the total message volume. Furthermore, the maximum message volume and latency handled by a single processor are also important metrics. We propose a two-phase approach that encapsulates all these four communication-cost metrics. The objective in the first phase is to minimize the total message volume while maintaining the computational-load balance. The objective in the second phase is to encapsulate the remaining three communication-cost metrics. We propose communication-hypergraph and partitioning models for the second phase. We then present several methods for partitioning communication hypergraphs. Experiments on a wide range of test matrices show that the proposed approach yields very effective partitioning results. A parallel implementation on a PC cluster verifies that the theoretical improvements shown by partitioning results hold in practice.EnglishCommunication hypergraphHypergraph partitioningIterative methodMatrix partitioningMatrix-vector multiplyMessage latencyMessage volumeParallel computingRectangular matrixStructurally unsymmetric matrixCommunication hypergraphHypergraph partitioningMatrix partitioningMatrix-vector multiplyMessage latencyMessage volumeRectangular matrixStructurally unsymmetric matrixComputational methodsCostsGraph theoryIterative methodsMetric systemParallel processing systemsVectorsMatrix algebraEncapsulating multiple communication-cost metrics in partitioning sparse rectangular matrices for parallel matrix-vector multipliesArticle10.1137/S1064827502410463