Zimmermann, Thomas2019-07-092019-07-092010-04http://hdl.handle.net/11693/52162Conference Name: 7th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, ICAANE 2010Date of Conference: 12-16 April 2010In this paper, I will discuss recent quantitative X-Ray Fluorescence analyses on 3rd and 2nd millennium BC metal objects from central Anatolia. I will discuss phenomena such as high tin values attested in some copper-based artefacts and a growing corpus of copper-silver alloys, which represent a still exotic but persistently growing facet of Early Bronze Age alloying techniques. Finally, the archaeometric data retrieved from the ‘Bronze tablet’ of Hattusa is here added to the still meagre collection of scientifically analysed Hittite metalwork.EnglishLapanu–let (it) glow!–recent archaeometric analyses of Hattian and Hittite metalworkConference Paper