Browsing by Subject "Ottoman Empire"
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Item Open Access 1680-1747 Ottoman budgets and deficits sustainability in a period of fiscal transition: wars and administrative changes(American Economic Association, 2006) Berument, Hakan; Ocaklı, N.This paper studies the sustainability of the Ottoman budget for the period from 1680 to 1747, during different sultanates and war eras. Moreover, we investigate whether the relationship between government revenues and expenditures changes in the period of culus. The empirical evidence gathered in this paper suggests that during the sample period, except for the sultanate era of Mahmut I, the Ottoman budget was not sustainable. The other interesting result of the study is that culus payments had a significant tax increasing effect. Moreover, the distribution of culus deteriorated the sustainability of budget.Item Restricted The actualization of one man’s ideologies: Midhat Pasha’s influence on the late Ottoman Empire(Bilkent University, 2020) Muhaymin, Abdul; Jawed, Aimun; Bukhari, Huzaifa Muhammad; Syed, Mustafa Waqar; Belhaj, YoussefAhmed Şefik Midhat Pasha was one of the leading statesmen in the Ottoman Empire in the mid 19th century, whose reforms and ideologies had left their permanent marks on the Ottoman Empire; marks which can even be seen today. This research paper will aim to investigate Midhat Pasha’s influence on the Ottoman Empire throughout his numerous governorships, vizierates, the constitution, relations with international powers, and even interactions with the sultans. Furthermore, we will consequentially prove Midhat Pasha was successful in giving his beliefs a solid form, which inevitably resulted in firm governance and reforms that had an unshaken foundation. Additionally, getting an opportunity to interview his direct descendant would help us get to know more about Midhat Pasha himself, and some of his other traits which may have been left unadhered to by history, but well-known by his progeny.Item Open Access American foreign missions to the Armenians of the Ottoman Empire: fashioning the model of educated christian womanhood in the East in the second half of the nineteenth century(2018-01) Güven, Sarah ZeynepThe American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM) was one of the first establishments to introduce a Western-style educational system to the peoples of the Ottoman Empire. This thesis is an examination of the emergence of interest in foreign missions among American women in particular, and the latter’s contribution to missionary activities. It seeks to determine how and why educational facilities for Armenian females were established and their social and religious impact, largely from the perspective of the missionaries themselves. It looks at how contact with Armenians prompted adjustments in missionary approaches and policies towards educational missions. The notion of educated Christian womanhood entailed the championing of female education and a re-imaging of the role of women as wives and mothers. The promotion of female education facilitated new opportunities for Armenian women via teaching and evangelism. The central argument of this thesis is that American missionary activity significantly contributed to the increased interest in female education among the Armenian communities of the Ottoman Empire in the second half of the nineteenth century.Item Open Access American missionaries in Marash on the eve of the Great War(2017-06) Kılıç, ÇağlaThis thesis investigates the area of Marash from the eyes of the missionaries when the Ottoman Empire was approaching to the First World War, between 1913 and 1915. Was the crisis that the Ottomans faced an opportunity for the missionary organizations? It aims to demonstrate the demographical change, the psychology of the local population, the attitudes of the missionaries, the system in the schools and hospitals and how the local Ottoman population handled the war crises. This was done by revealing various untapped archives. Methodologically, the archival research employed in this thesis can be regarded as a qualitative, historical analysis. Some of the missionary letters, correspondences and annual meeting reports were investigated by utilizing screening method at the microfilm archives. Five main primary sources were utilized in this thesis. Firstly, letters and correspondences from Bilkent University, Library microfilm archives and online archives of the Universities were used. Secondly, The Missionary Herald was reviewed. Thirdly, the annual reports and fourthly the memoirs, diaries and books of the missionaries were utilized. Finally, Ottoman Empire archives were used. The thesis arrived at three main conclusions, firstly, the deteriorating relationship between the German Hulfbond and ABCFM indicated the complex and intermingled relationship of missionary organizations with the existing power relationships of their governments and how involved they were with the politics. Secondly, it revealed that pre-war periods or crises times were an opportunity for the missionary organizations to spread their values and beliefs and influence local populations. Finally, ABCFM has strengthened its position.Item Open Access An analysis study on the implementations of gedik, esham and muzara’a(2019-08) Sök, Kadir SarpThis thesis examines there economic practices (gedik, esham and muzara’a) that emerged in the Ottoman Empire in the modern period (18th and 19th centuries) and the relationship between them. This study claims that these practices, which emerged or finalized during the same periods, were shaped in line with the needs of the Ottoman Empire and strengthened monetarization and commercialization at the borders of the empire, but they did not lead to a transformation in terms of capitalist classes and social power relations. In order to reinforce these arguments, the kethuda record of the barbers of Galata referring to a decree as well as the Istanbul and Konya court registers were used as primary sources. Secondary sources were used to understand the change and transformation of these practices and the period. Although these practices emerged in line with the needs of the age, it was concluded that they were far from responding to these needs at certain points and left their places to modern applications imported from Europe.Item Open Access The Armenian 'relocation': the case for 'military necessity'(Terazi Yayıncılık, 2014) Salt, JeremyThis article focuses on the questions of insurgency and'military necessity' as a reason for moving the bulk of the Armenianpopulation from the eastern provinces of the Ottoman Empire in thesecond half of 1915. It looks at precedent and parallel cases of'relocations' in military history and follows the course of the war as itwas fought by the Ottoman government from late 1914, on the battle frontand behind the lines, until the Van uprising of April, 1915, precipitatedthe decision to 'relocate' the Armenian civilian population.Item Restricted Ayakkabıcılık zanaatinin kuşaklar arasındaki dönüşümü: İmalattan tadilata(Bilkent University, 2020) Çelik, Simge; Korkmaz, Beril; Tarhan, Doruk; Sözen, Ahmet Kerem; Çelik, YiğitAnadolu'da ayakkabı, dericilik ve zanaatkarlık konusunda tarih boyunca önemli bir merkez oldu. Göçebe olarak yaşamını sürdüren Türkler, Anadolu'ya kültürleri ile birlikte göç etti ve hayvancılık yapmayı sürdürdü. Zamanla edinilen tecrübe sayesinde önce dericilikte, daha sonra da ayakkabıcılıkta üretim kültürü gelişti. Anadolu Selçuklu Devleti'nde Ahi Teşkilatı tarafından yapılan zanaat kaynaklı üretim, Osmanlı Devleti'nde Lonca Teşkilatları tarafından devam ettirildi. Ustadan çırağa aktarılan bir kültür birikimi etrafında şekillenen ayakkabıcılık zanaatı, 1839 yılında ilan edilen Tanzimat Fermanı'na kadar küçük atölyelerde ve el üretimi ile icra edildi. Tanzimat döneminde açılan fabrikalar ile birlikte üretim çoğunlukla fabrikalarda yapıldı. Osmanlı Devleti'nin son dönemlerinden erken Cumhuriyet dönemine kadar fabrika ve atölyelerde; kısıtlı talep ve el üretimi ile yapılan ayakkabıcılık, 1950'li yıllarda ısmarlama usulünden çıkarak seri üretim ile yapılmaya başlandı. El üretimi ayakkabıya talebin olmaması ve elde üretim kültürünün yok olmasına ek olarak değişen tüketim anlayışı ile başa çıkamayan ayakkabı ustalarının bir kısmı, ayakkabı üretim atölyelerini kapatarak meslek hayatlarına büyük fabrikalarda devam etmek zorunda kaldı. Bazı atölye sahipleri ise yaptıkları işi dönüştürerek, ayakkabı üretmek yerine tamir etmek için atölyeler işletmeye başladı. Bir dönem sektörün demirbaşlarından olan atölyeler, sektördeki dönüşümle birlikte fabrika kaynaklı seri üretim ürünlerine hizmet etti. Hakan Özgü'nün sahibi olduğu Eskicim markasının ileri gelenlerinden olduğu tamirat sektörü, bugün seri üretim yapan markaların eksikliklerini kapat olsa da, ayakkabıcılık zanaatı, usta çırak ilişkisi ve üretim kültürü yok olmakla karşı karşıya kaldı. Çalışmada, Anadolu'da ayakkabıcılık kültürü Osmanlı Devleti'nden günümüze kadar incelenmiş ve kültürü oluşturan detaylarla birlikte, zanaattaki dönüşümde doğrudan ya da dolaylı olarak etkisi olan etmenler incelendi.Item Open Access An Ayan family in Uşak: Paşaoğlullari hanedani(2017-01) Kancı, TuğçeThe purpose of this research is to investigate the history of the Paşaoğulları family; a medium-scale local family that lived and flourished in Uşak in Western Anatolia. It can be said that investigating the history of the Paşaoğulları family could expand the state of our current knowledge on local powers known as notables (ayan) in the Ottoman Empire. The Paşaoğulları family was one of the ayan families that emerged in different regions and cities of the Ottoman Empire. The main argument of the present research is that Paşaoğlu Ahmed Ağa, the first member of this family, moved into the governmental positions and brought his family to an outstanding point in Uşak, which resembled the general trends of the process of ayanship. However, the position he found for himself was not in close connections with political decisionmaking mechanisms.Item Open Access Britain and Ottoman domestic politics: from the Young Turk Revolution to the counter-revolution, 1908-9(Routledge, 2001-04) Ünal, H.[No abstract available]Item Restricted Cafer Tayyar Sadıklar ve 1970'li yıllardaki Türk Japon ilişkileri(Bilkent University, 2018) Subay, Şehmuz Ali; Topcu, Ahmet Sencer; Arslan, Barlas Tarık; Demirgan, Dilay; Öğüşlü, Çelik Ege1932 yılında doğan Cafer Tayyar Sadıklar birçok önemli görevlerde bulundu ve başarılı bir kariyere sahiptir. Japon büyükelçiliğinde çalışması ve daha önceki tecrübeleri sayesinde Japonya’da üst düzey yetkili kişilerle yakın ilişkiler kurdu. Bu ilişkileri sayesinde Türkiye ile Japonya arasında yakınlık sağlanmasında önemli bir rol oynadı. 1850 yıllarında Osmanlı Devleti ile Japonya arasında başlayan ikili ilişkiler, Birinci Dünya Savaşı’na kadar devam etti. Savaş döneminde farklı taraflarda yer alan iki ülke arasındaki ilişkiler askıya alındı. 1924 yılında tekrar başlayan yakınlaşma dönemi 1960’lı yıllara kadar seyrini korudu. Daha sonrasında ikili ilişkiler Cafer Tayyar Sadıkların da çabasıyla daha da ilerledi.Item Open Access Cenap Şahabettin'in seyahat mektuplarında oryantalist etkiler(2010) Aydemir, UygarThis thesis is about the depiction of the East and the representations of the Easterners in the works by the Turkish poet and author Cenap Şahabettin. Cenap wrote three pieces of travel literature after his official and touristic visits to the region: “Hac Yolunda” (“On the Road to Hadj”), “Âfâk-ı Irak” (“The Horizons of Iraq”), “Suriye Mektupları” (“Letters from Syria”). Cenap was educated in Istanbul and in Paris to become a dermatologist who was appointed public health officer in Egypt and then in Iraq. Being impressed by the beauty of the region and the virtuousness of the indigenous people, Cenap made several trips to Alexandria, Cairo, the Red Sea, Shatt al-Arab, Baghdad and Damascus. Similar to the disparities between the East and the West, established by French and English travellers, Cenap Şahabettin contrasted the eastern lands of the Empire to its centre. Nourished by the relevant works by Edward Said, Ussama Makdisi, Jale Parla and Thierry Hentsch, the thesis asserts that while reproducing the stereotypes about the Eastern people like being lazy, ignorant, sensual and childish, Cenap Şahabettin argues that they need a hand in modernizing and suggests that the Ottoman hand would be better one.Item Open Access Cigalazade Yusuf Sinan Pasha : a 16th century Ottoman convert in the mediterranean world(2014) Biçer, MerveThis thesis focuses on the life of Scipione Cicala, also known as Cigalazade Yusuf Sinan Pasha, who was a significant Genoese convert inside the 16th century Ottoman court. Based on the reports of the Venetian bailos and ambassadors in Constantinople, the study aims to draw a portrait of Cicala to indicate how these bureaucrats envisaged Cicala and his personal, political and economic relationships in line with the changes inside the Ottoman court and the Mediterranean Sea. Through his prestigious duties in both Eastern and Western parts of the Sultanate, his patronage networks, imperial marriages and his relations with hereditary family, this thesis aims to explain how an “Ottoman” diplomat was perceived both in his hometown (Italian peninsula) and in the Ottoman Empire.Item Open Access The city as a reflecting mirror : being and urbanite in the 19th century Ottoman Empire(2015) Demirakın, Nahide IşıkThe physical and social transformations taking place in İstanbul, İzmir and Salonica throughout the 19th century Ottoman Empire had been the subject of many studies, however, the degree to which urban population identified themselves with the novelties of the era’s urban living still remains in shadow. This dissertation aims to interpret the 19th century Ottoman Empire by focusing on the urban population of the Empire’s three largest cities and the contemporary narratives written by people from different segments of the society. Their descriptions and interpretations of the milieu they live in reveal how they perceived the modernising processes of the Empire reflected through the city and the varying degrees of identification with not only being an urbanite but also with the changing relationship between the state and the population, transforming from one of subjecthood to citizenship. In addition to traditional distinctions between Muslims and non-Muslims as well as private and public designated along gender within the urban space, it appears that the 19th century brought about new points of convergence and divergence into the scene redefining the boundaries of private and public and offering a possibility for a new identity that transcended communal, religious and ethnic differences, thereby complicating the urban network of relationships. In this sense, new modes of communication within the city that were now spread through the educational reforms and the burgeoining press became major influences, and contested the view of state imposed reforms by offering their versions of modernity and encouraging urbanites to take part in the process.Item Open Access Co-existence and conflict between Muslims and non-Muslims in the 16th century Ottoman Istanbul(2008) Çolak, HasanThe attempt of the Ottoman administration to confiscate the Orthodox churches in Istanbul in the 16th century is frequently cited in current historiography. However, transformation of this incident into differing versions throughout centuries prevented many historians from analyzing the issue in detail. For this reason this study attempts to analyze the development of the story, first. The most important aspect of the issue blurring the mind of many historians is the reason behind the decision of the Ottoman administration to confiscate the churches. The reason should be looked for not in the attitude of the sultans towards Christians but in the evolution of the city from its Byzantine period onwards. As a result of the population explosion in the 16th century, Muslim and non-Muslim neighborhoods intersected, and this created a painful course, which iv turned co-existence into a painful process.Item Open Access A "compassionnate" episode in Anglo-Ottoman history : British relief to '93 refugees (1877-1878)(2010) Dinçyürek, Sadiye SenaThis thesis aims to provide an indebt analysis of the British relief to the Ottoman Refugees of 1877-78 Russo-Turkish War (’93 Refugees). The course of the war resulted in an enormous exodus especially through the Balkans. Hundreds of thousands of Ottoman subjects had to flee towards the heartlands of the Ottoman Empire in destitute conditions. The official British foreign policy was determined as neutrality, however the British civilian initiative together with the diplomatic actors showed their support to the Ottomans through humanitarian relief. In August 1877, a campaign was initiated in London, The Turkish Compassionate Fund was established especially for the ’93 Refugees and the other British organizations soon got involved in the relief of non-combatants. The British Ambassador to the Porte superintended the whole process and mobilised the diplomatic network under his command thus iv philanthropy was used as a tool of diplomacy. The British endeavour to succour ’93 Refugees was met with content by the Ottoman authorities and received the Sultan’s appreciation. This thesis reveals a rarely known episode of Anglo-Ottoman history far from the classical approaches of the diplomatic history of the period and handles the issue as a different dimension of the Anglo-Ottoman relations.Item Open Access The conditions and methods of the land travels of the Ottoman subjects during the pre-modern era(2019-06) Babacan, Ülkü ZeynepTraveling in the Ottoman Empire during the pre-modern times was challenging and dangerous for everyone, but much so for civilians. Furthermore, the central authority discouraged the mobility of civilians, and wanted them to stay put. These are why it is generally assumed that Ottoman tax-paying subjects, re‘âyâ, did not leave their farms and hometowns. This thesis questions the truth of this assumption and examines how and why the Ottoman subjects traveled. As the travels of civilians were not recorded by the state in the pre-modern times, Ottoman and foreign travelers’ travelogues were used as primary sources. Other sources to obtain information about voyages of Ottoman subjects were the court registers and fetva collections, which consisted of problems occurring during travels. An analysis of these materials, together with the secondary sources yielded to the result that contrary to the general assumption, Ottoman subjects sought and found ways of overcoming the risks and difficulties of changing places. Merchants, craftsmen and other civilians traveled across the Ottoman lands by their own means and benefited the road system, organization and network provided by the central administration.Item Restricted Damaklardaki 120 yıllık lezzet: Helvacı Ali(Bilkent University, 2020) Yılmaz, Barışcan; Balceli, Cemal Yiğit; Güvenç, Erdem; Yenal, Mehmet Kağan; Nasuhbeyoğlu, Sezen EceHelvanın Türk mutfağındaki yeri kültürel anlamda büyük yere sahiptir denilebilir. Türkiye’de bölgesel olarak çeşitlilik gösteren helva, Türklerin İslamiyet’i kabul etmesinden sonra Türk Mutfağına katılmıştır. Çok uluslu yapıya sahip olan Osmanlı İmparatorluğu egemenliğinde kalan Orta Doğu ve Balkan ülkelerinde de bilinen bir tatlıdır. Geçmişten günümüze fazla bir değişiklik göstermeden gelen bu geleneksel tatlının, günümüzde ticari temsilcileri vardır. Dördüncü neslin yönetimde olduğu Helvacı Ali önemli temsilcilerinden biridir. Restorandan helvacıya dönüşen markanın şu anki yönetiminde çocukluktan yetişmiş olan Cihan Bozacılar vardır. Markalarının başarısını yenilik, lezzet ve istikrar olduğunu söyleyen Cihan Bozacılar, İnegöl’den Türkiye’nin dört bir yanına ve dünyaya bu yüzyıllardır devam eden geleneği tanıtıyor.Item Open Access Demographic engineering : Bulgarian migrations from the Ottoman Empire to Russia in the nineteenth century(2015-09) Baş, Ahmet İlkerThis thesis focuses on the Bulgarian immigrations to Russia and return of many of them to the Ottoman Empire in 19th century. The stimuli which drag them to the lands far away from home, and reasons which draw them to Rumelia back again are the subject of this thesis. Through this research, it is intended to shed light on a subject which is well-known as a phenomenon by historians, yet not researched as an historical event with its reasons and results, thus becomes a tool of nationalist discourse.Item Open Access Developing archaeology and museology in the Ottoman Empire, Turkey, and Greece: Théodore Macridy, an Ottoman Greek ‘Liminal Scientist’(Cambridge University Press, 2022-10-26) Grigoriadis, Ioannis N.This article concerns the development of archaeology and museology, in the Ottoman Empire, Turkey, and Greece, through the life and career of Théodore Macridy. Macridy participated in knowledge transfer in more than one discipline and more than one country. Through his links with Western academic circles in archaeology and museology, he made a significant contribution to their development in the Ottoman Empire, Turkey, and Greece. Living between the Ottoman and Greek epistemic communities as an Ottoman citizen of Greek origin, he excavated numerous sites of the Ottoman Empire, worked at the Ottoman Imperial Museum, and contributed to the foundation of the Benaki Museum in Athens at the end of his career. This makes him a good example of an Ottoman Greek scholar whose liminal identity led to his relative neglect in both Greek and Turkish archaeology and museology.Item Restricted The development of railways in the late Ottoman Era(Bilkent University, 2020) Khan, Amnah Ejaz; Muradov, Argun; Aliyev, Amir; Aliyev, Oruj; Dar, Yasir AminSultan Abdülmecîd initiated the railway project in the Ottoman Empire with the hope that it would bring back the economic and political glory the Empire had once known. This paper explores the wide-ranging political and social consequences of this decision, and the unfolding progress and development of the railways. It examines foreign influences, economic difficulties, political pressures, and rebellions in the Balkans, all of which exerted their own unique pressures on the Ottoman Empire and this project, leaving behind imprints that can be observed to this day. The legacy of the railway project hung heavy on the newly created Republic of Turkey but has since become an asset to the country.