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Item Open Access A Turkish mayor goes to Moscow: Vedat Dalokay and development politics in the 1970s(Sage Publications Ltd., 2023-08-30) Hirst, Samuel John; Khajei, Aydın; Kaptan, DenizIn 1975, the mayor of Ankara requested Soviet assistance to build a public transportation system and affordable housing in the Turkish capital. This article uses Vedat Dalokay's appeal as a window into international development politics during a transformative decade. The 1970s saw growing leftism in Turkey, and Dalokay hoped that progressive urban planning would solidify voting trends among rural-to-urban migrants. He sought to introduce a new ideological element into Soviet–Turkish exchange, but politicians and academics in Moscow dismissed Dalokay's class-oriented projects. Instead, they increased their investments in the steel mills and electricity plants that were hallmarks of Soviet economic exchanges with the Third World. Whereas Dalokay's aspirations emerged from a Turkish intellectual climate that was being reshaped by dependency theory and by disillusionment in the possibilities for growth within boundaries defined by the political borders of nation-states, Soviet economists and bureaucrats remained wedded to the idea of development defined in terms of the territorial economy. The Ankara municipality eventually turned to Western Europe, but the Turkish government continued to negotiate gas pipelines and nuclear power plants with the Soviet and post-Soviet Russian governments. This article explores the ideological assumptions that have shaped economic exchange across the Black Sea.Item Restricted Bursa Tarihî Hanlar ve Çarşılar Bölgesi’nden: Okçular Çarşısı(Bilkent University, 2024) Aydıner, Aslınur; Korucu, Ata; Gürel, Eda Naz; Yaman, Serdar Yiğit; Aksoy, ZuhalBursa Tarihi Hanlar ve Çarşılar Bölgesi, tarihsel süreçte hem fiziksel hem de sosyal/ekonomik açıdan önemli değişimler geçirmiş. Fiziksel olarak, çeşitli ayaklanmalar, depremler ve yangınlar bölgede büyük hasara yol açmış ve ardından restorasyon süreçleri yaşanmış. Sosyal ve ekonomik olarak ise, Tanzimat Reformları ve batılılaşma hareketi, geleneksel yapıları değiştirmiş ve yeni üretim-tüketim alışkanlıklarını beraberinde getirmiştir. Esnaf kollarının işlevsel bağlantıları, lonca teşkilatlarının kurulması ve üretim-satış metotlarının gelişmesi, 19. yüzyıla kadar bölgenin genel yapısını belirlemiştir. Ancak, 19. yüzyılda yaşanan reformlar ve sanayileşme süreci, çarşının yapısını daha da değiştirmiştir. Bugün, çarşıda geleneksel mesleklerin yanı sıra modern dükkanlar da bulunmaktadır.Item Open Access China in Central Asia: opportunities and risks of emerging Chinese hegemony for regional states(2022-06) Çakan, Hikmet CanThis thesis aims to analyze the opportunities and risks of the emerging Chinese hegemony in Central Asia for the five regional states namely Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan with a special focus on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The Chinese hegemony in the region is a novel and ongoing process that is a consequence of the interplay between three necessary but not sufficient factors that are China’s rise, absence of other great powers, and Central Asian needs. Framing the opportunities and risks in three main categories of politics, economy, and security, this thesis argues that closer political economic partnership with China in its current hegemonic fashion benefit Central Asian republics in the short-run while it bears significant risks in the long-run. In each category, this thesis offers analyses of a wide array of issues that are either present on the ground or have high likelihood to emerge in the near future. The opportunities range from multivector foreign policy to development finance while the risks include social unrest, trade asymmetry, and militarization of the BRI.Item Open Access A comparative study of Chinese and Turkish economic reform policies in the age of globalization(2006) Lee, Sun A.Though with different strategies and responses, yet all continue to share the same difficult task of development in this given conditions of globalizing world. My thesis compares and contrasts the reform history of China and Turkey under the overarching system of globalization as an attempt to find out better ways to achieve development. Although their socio-economic and political systems differ, China and Turkey have entered the world of globalization by launching the reform policies almost at the same time period and both faced the same elements of risks and opportunities generated by this system. My thesis utilizes the methodology of compare and contrast to examine China’s dualistic strategy of state regulation within an open economy and Turkey’s primary economic strategies based on the private enterprises to deduce that too much liberalization, especially in the field of financial market, could cause a slow-down to, if not harm, the economy. The thesis concludes with the speculation on how such success of Chinese economy could come to a halt if further liberalization especially in the form of capital account liberalization continues in the future.Item Restricted Cumhuriyet'in bağımsızlık kalesi: Azm-i Milli Un Fabrikası(Bilkent University, 2020) Atakan, Alp; Balaban, Batuhan; Karataş, Beste; Ala, Şevval; Sallancı, Uğur EkinAzm-i Milli fabrikası Aksaray'da kurulmuş bir un fabrikasıdır. Türkiye'nin ilk anonim şirketi olan Azm-i Milli Türk Anonim Şirketi tarafından kurulmuş olması ve Cumhuriyet'in ilk un fabrikası olması dolayısıyla tarihi öneme sahiptir. Atatürk tarafından Osmanlı Devleti'nin karşı karşıya kalmış olduğu ve sonunu hazırlayan geri kalmış ekonominin kalıntılarından bir sanayi ülkesi çıkarma amacıyla teşvik politikaları uygulanmış, bankalar ve sanayi odaları kurularak teşkilatlanma çalışmalarına başlanmıştır. Bu dönemde ürünlerin işlenmesi ile kaynakların ekonomik olarak verimini arttıran tarıma dayalı sanayi tesisleri hızla çoğalmaya başlamıştır. Azm i Milli un fabrikası da bunların ilklerinden bir tanesi olarak Aksaray milletvekili Vehbi Çorakçı Bey'in tavsiyesi ile kurulmuştur. Un üretiminin yanı sıra elektrik üretimi ile Aksaray'ı Türkiye'nin en önce elektriğe kavuşan illerinden bir tanesi yaparak ve soğuk hava depoları kurup vatandaşların ürünlerini depolama imkânı sunarak Aksaray halkına hizmet etmiştir. İki defa kapasite artırımına gidilmiş olunsa bile nihayetinde modern fabrikaların yaygınlaşmasından dolayı müzeye dönüştürülmesine karar verilmiştir. Azm-i Milli'nin verdiği hizmetler sebebiyle tuttuğu kayıtlar ayrıca Aksaray'ın geçmişine ışık tutmaları dolayısıyla önemlidir.Item Restricted Cumhuriyet'in ilk 15 yılında Türkiye kadınının sosyal, siyasi ve akademik hayata dahil olması ve yapılan teşvikler(Bilkent University, 2021) Aydın, Ali; Bilgi, Denizhan; Coşar, Ezgi Melis; Aktaş, Nida; Öztürk, Ömür CanTürkiye’de toplumun şekillenmesinde büyük rolü olan kadınlar, yeni kurulan cumhuriyetle birlikte hem medeni hem de vatandaşlık haklarında büyük gelişmeler yaşamıştır. Gelişmelerin temelleri cumhuriyetin ilanı ile ilk olarak eğitim alanında atılmıştır, cumhuriyetin ilk 15 yılı boyunca hukuk, siyaset ve iş alanında yaşanan gelişmeler de bunu takip etmiştir. Özellikle o tarihte alınan kararlar günümüzdeki kadın kimliğinin yapı taşını oluşturup tüm toplumun şekillenişini derin bir şekilde etkilemiştir. Türkiye bu değişimleri diğer ülkelere göre çok daha hızlı bir şekilde ve erken tarihlerde gerçekleştirmiştir.Item Open Access Developing markets? understanding the role of markets and development at the intersection of macromarketing and transformative consumer research (TCR)(SAGE Publications Inc., 2015) Figueiredo, B.; Chelekis, J.; DeBerry-Spence, B.; Fırat, A. F.; Ger, G.; Godefroit-Winkel, D.; Kravets, O.; Moisander, J.; Nuttavuthisit, K.; Peñaloza, L.; Tadajewski, M.Situated at the intersection of markets and development, this commentary aims to promote a cross-fertilization of macromarketing and Transformative Consumer Research (TCR) that directs attention to the sociocultural context and situational embeddedness of consumer experience and well-being, while acknowledging complex, systemic interdependencies between markets, marketing, and society. Based on a critical review of the meaning of development and an interrogation of various developmental discourses, the authors develop a conceptual framework that brings together issues of development, well-being, and social inequalities. We suggest that these issues are better understood and addressed when examined via grounded investigations of the role of markets in shaping the management of resources, consumer agency, power inequalities and ethics. The use of markets as units of analysis may lead to further cross-fertilizations of TCR and macromarketing and to more comprehensive theorizing and transformational impact. Two empirical cases are provided to illustrate our framework.Item Restricted Eğitimci ve sanayici: Cemil Alevli(Bilkent University, 2020) Süyür, Berfin; Çapan, Bengisu; Ozan, Rabia Nur; Özer, Dila; Fıycı, Salih AyberkCemil Alevli Cumhuriyet yıllarında hayatını Gaziantep’in gelişimine adamış, Gaziantep’in önde gelen sanayici, siyasetçi ve eğitimci isimlerinin arasında yer almaktadır. Doğduğu şehir Gaziantep’in gelişmesi adına, Almanya’da aldığı eğitimlerin ardından Türkiye’ye dönmüş ve sanayi faaliyetlerine başlamıştır. Ardından siyasete yönelmiş, milletvekilliği ve CHP İl Başkanlığı gibi görevler üstlenmiştir. Siyasi hayatının sonlarına yaklaşırken eğitim alanına yönelen Cemil Alevli, birçok ilkokul ve ortaokulun açılmasına öncülük etmiş, Gaziantep ve Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesindeki ilk kolej olan Gaziantep Kolej Vakfı’nın kuruluşuna öncülük etmiştir. Ayrıca Gaziantep sosyal yaşamının gelişmesinde birçok katkısı bulunan Alevli, 1 Nisan 1972 tarihinde vefat etmiştir.Item Open Access Enhancer cooperativity as a novel mechanism underlying the transcriptional regulation of E-cadherin during mesenchymal to epithelial transition(Elsevier, 2015) Alotaibi, H.; Basilicata, M. F.; Shehwana, H.; Kosowan, T.; Schreck, I.; Braeutigam, C.; Konu, O.; Brabletz, T.; Stemmler, M. P.Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and mesenchymal-epithelial transition (MET) highlight crucial steps during embryogenesis and tumorigenesis. Induction of dramatic changes in gene expression and cell features is reflected by modulation of Cdh1 (E-cadherin) expression. We show that Cdh1 activity during MET is governed by two enhancers at +. 7.8. kb and at +. 11.5. kb within intron 2 that are activated by binding of Grhl3 and Hnf4α, respectively. Recruitment of Grhl3 and Hnf4α to the enhancers is crucial for activating Cdh1 and accomplishing MET in non-tumorigenic mouse mammary gland cells (NMuMG). Moreover, the two enhancers cooperate via Grhl3 and Hnf4α binding, induction of DNA-looping and clustering at the promoter to orchestrate E-cadherin re-expression. Our results provide novel insights into the cellular mechanisms whereby cells respond to MET signals and re-establish an epithelial phenotype by enhancer cooperativity. A general importance of our findings including MET-mediated colonization of metastasizing tumor cells is suggested.Item Open Access Human capabilities versus human capital: gauging the value of education in developing countries(Springer, 2006) Wigley, S.The purpose of this study is to defend the view that education should be evaluated in terms of the capability to achieve valued functionings, rather than mental satisfaction or resources. In keeping with Amartya Sen’s capabilities approach we argue that mental satisfaction provides an inaccurate metric of well-being because of the phenomenon of adaptive preferences. Equally, resources cannot be used as a metric of well-being because of inequalities in the ability to convert income and commodities into valued functionings. Hence, interpreting education as a means to create human capital is also impoverished because it evaluates education solely in terms of the accumulation of resources. In order to provide evidence in support of the human capabilities approach we statistically examine the channels through which educational attainment affects the health functionings implied by life expectancy. Using panel data analysis for 35 developing countries for the years 1990, 1995 and 2000 we compare the health functionings (as indicated by life expectancy) that are achieved by the income growth generated by educational attainment, with the total health functionings that are achieved by educational attainment. We find that educational attainment (as indicated by average years of schooling) has a significant effect on life expectancy independently of its effect by way of income growth. A 1% increase in per capita income increases life expectancy by 0.073954% while a 1% increase in average years of schooling directly increases life expectancy by 0.055324%. Because it shows that income underestimates the health functionings achieved by educational attainment, our empirical findings lend support to the claim that the value of education should be measured in terms of the capability for functioning, rather than resources.Item Open Access Monitoring progress toward fulfilling rights in early childhood under the convention on the rights of the child to improve outcomes for children and families(Oxford University Press, 2013) Hertzman, C.; Vaghri, Z.; Arkadas-Thibert, A.Can the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN-CRC), to which 193 countries are signatory, be used as a tool to support developmental health in the early years? Improving early childhood development (ECD) requires finding ways for social determinants and child rights approaches to work together, which, to date, has not occurred. However, in 2005, the UN-CRC Monitoring Committee issued General Comment 7: Implementing Rights in Early Childhood (GC7) in response to the observation that children under the age of 8 were often overlooked in countries' reporting of progress toward implementing UN-CRC. This chapter shows how a commitment from the UN-CRC Monitoring Committee and key relevant international agencies (WHO, UNICEF) to a long-term program of monitoring compliance with GC7, in conjunction with monitoring of ECD developmental outcomes in all signatory countries, could help move global society toward equity in developmental health from the start of life. © Oxford University Press, 2014.Item Open Access Negotiating development among unequals: Turkey and the European Economic Community, 1960–1980(2023-06) Ozansoy, ArdaThis dissertation analyzes the trajectory of the Association relationship between the European Economic Community (EEC) and Turkey by examining previously unexamined primary sources and relevant theoretical literature. After providing an overview of the literature on the Association, Europe’s trade policies, and development during the Cold War, it examines post-war international trade and the place of the EEC and Turkey in it. The dissertation draws primarily on EEC documents and suggests that the initial stages of Association were driven mostly by political factors, especially Turkey’s geopolitical importance in the Cold War and efforts to keep parallelism with Greece. In later stages, however, the concessions provided to Turkey started to erode as similar concessions were provided not only to Greece but also to a number of developing countries. Worsening economic conditions in Turkey in the 1970s led Turkey to request more concessions from the EEC. While the EEC internally acknowledged that Turkey’s requests were reasonable, it refrained from making meaningful concessions. This increasing divergence of positions led Turkey to suspend the Association not once but twice, first by a right-leaning and then by a left-leaning government. Disagreements over the economic foundations of the Association reveal that the Association had lost its attraction as support for Turkey’s development, an idea that was originally proclaimed as its core objective. From a theoretical perspective, the dissertation suggests the Association provides an effective case to study how intergovernmental economic negotiations have overlapped with development politics.Item Open Access NGO's as the link between state and society? Women's community centers in Southeastern Turkey(2003) Genel, SemaCivil society initiatives in Turkey are transforming from organizations based on traditional commitments, religious ties, and other primordial forms of relations to organizations based on universal values, which are shaped mainly by the claims of a larger civil society on a global scale. These universal values are in close interconnection with changes taking place at the local level, exerting an influence on particularistic values. This results in flows of interaction between global civil society and grassroots initiatives. In this sense, civil society organizations at the national level play a crucial role in the provision of the link between the global and the local within a given nation-state. However, values promoted at the national level, shaped mainly by politics of the nation-state, can be in sharp contradiction to those of a universalist and equally particularistic character. This situation is currently prevalent in Turkey with respect to the discussions on the crisis of democracy in the country. Civil society organizations, represented mainly by vakıfs and derneks as nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), are trying to bring closer together the national practice of democracy with the changes of the notion of democracy at the global level, with reference to local particularities. It is the role of the national NGOs in Turkey, then, to ease the tension with respect to the clash of values between the state and the local community level as shaped by a global civil society. On a global scale, NGOs have started filling the gap between the top-down policies of the state and the bottom-up demands of local grassroots activity. The three-tier relationship between the state, NGO, and the local community is becoming increasingly complex due to the internal as well as external forces at play. It is this role of Turkish NGOs that is the focus of the current study. It is interesting to observe the degree to which NGOs in Turkey are creating alternatives to development and a move towards participatory democracy through women’s empowerment centers within a larger state-sponsored development project in Southeastern Turkey. Given the peculiarities of gender and minorities as essential components of the case study, the thesis analyzes the role of Turkish NGOs in creating the links between local and central authorities on the one hand, and the local community on the other.Item Restricted Nikfer’in ekonomik ve sosyo-kültürel kalkınması(Bilkent University, 2020) Özmen, Bora; Taş, Çise; Çakan, Haydar; Serinken, Irmak; Beyaz, MelisBu makalede Denizli'nin küçük bir kasabası olan Nikfer'in ekonomik ve sosyo-kültürel gelişmesi üzerinde durulmuştur. Bu gelişmelere neden olan kırılma noktasından başlayarak olayların nasıl geliştiği birçok tanık ve yazılı kaynak kullanılarak desteklenmiştir. Kırılma noktası olarak Avrupa’ya işçi gönderme fikrinin ortaya çıkması kabul edilmiştir. Avrupa’ya gitmek için Nikfer halkının verdiği çabalar, Avrupa'da yaşadıkları zorluklar, Avrupa'nın göçmenlere katkıları ve bu katkıları nasıl Nikfer'in gelişmesi için kullandıkları vurgulanmıştır. Sonuç olarak, günümüzde Nikfer’in ekonomik ve sosyo-kültürel alanda hangi seviyede olduğu gösterilmiştir.Item Open Access Pathways to universal social security in lower income countries : explaining the emergence of welfare states in the developing world(2016-11) Öktem, Kerem GabrielAre there welfare states in the developing world? According to conventional wisdom there cannot be. The ‘orthodox model’ of welfare state emergence assumes that only industrialised countries can become welfare states. Yet, there is a growing literature on welfare states in developing countries. In this dissertation, I address this puzzle through two research questions: are there welfare states in the developing world? And if there are, how can we explain the emergence of these deviant cases? I explore these questions through a sequential mixed-method research design. First, I conduct a large-n fuzzy set analysis to identify welfare states in the developing world. Second, I undertake a small-n comparative-historical analysis to explain how three developing countries - Brazil, Costa Rica and South Africa – became welfare states. I find two pathways to welfare stateness in lower income contexts: (1) a social democratic pathway in which centre-left parties build the welfare state in the context of democracy (2) a Bismarckian pathway, in which state elites build the welfare state in a non-democratic context. The first pathway resembles power resources theory, but labour’s role is different. The second pathway partially supports state-centred research. However, contradicting theoretical expectations, I find that state capacity is not a precondition for the welfare state. Finally, even in these deviant cases, welfare state building is connected to industrialization. By the time they became welfare states, the three cases were no longer low income countries. Therefore, I conclude that a moderate degree of development is necessary for welfare state emergence.Item Open Access A plea for greater attention on the data in policy analysis(Elsevier Inc., 1999) Mercenier, J.; Yeldan, E.The technical difficulties associated with building and solving applied general equilibrium (GE) models seem to have distracted our attention from the data. In this article, we forcefully stress that whatever the sophistication of the GE analysis, it is only worth the quality of the supporting data it utilizes. We first highlight an example of a flagrant flaw in officially published input-output data (factor-income shares) by an LDC (Turkey), which many researchers use without question. We then make use of an applied GE model to evaluate the dynamic gains for Turkey from currently debated trade policy options and compare the predictions using conservatively adjusted, rather than official, data on factor shares. We show that the predicted welfare gains are not only of a different order of magnitude, but in some cases, of a different sign; hence, suggesting contradictory policy recommendations.Item Restricted Prof. Dr. Salim Çıracı’nın hayatı, Türkiye’de nanoteknolojiye katkıları ve UNAM(Bilkent University, 2021) Salih, Mertcan; Kirişci, Ahmet Nuri; Tuğrul, Ömer; Yurttaş, Selin; Yelken, TunaAraştırmanın amacı Profesör Doktor Salim Çıracı ve öncülüğünde 2007 yılında kurulan Ulusal Nanoteknoloji Araştırma Merkezi’nin (UNAM) Türkiye’deki nanoteknoloji bilim alanına katkılarını ve Profesör Salim Çıracı’nın bu sürece etkisini araştırmaktır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda Profesör Salim Çıracı’nın hayatı ve UNAM’ın kuruluş sürecinde yaşadıkları üzerine röportaj yapılmıştır. Bunun yanında Türkiye’deki nanoteknoloji alanındaki gelişmeler UNAM’ın kuruluşu öncesi ve sonrası olarak iki döneme ayrılarak araştırılmıştır. Elde edilen bilgiler ışığında Profesör Salim Çıracı’nın eğitim hayatı ve akademik kariyerinin UNAM’ın kuruluşuna etkileri, UNAM’dan önceki ve sonraki dönemdeki çalışmalar karşılaştırılarak UNAM’ın Türkiye’deki nanoteknoloji alanına katkıları ve son olarak Türkiye’deki diğer araştırma merkezleri ve nanoteknolojiye katkıları ortaya konulmuştur.Item Restricted Psikodramanın Türkiye'ye gelişi ve gelişimi(Bilkent University, 2020) Kermalli, F. Zehra; Demirtuğ, Meryem; Erkoç, Seda; Pamuk, Seda; Danışman, ZülalPsikodrama psikolojik tedavide tiyatrodan yararlanan bir grup terapi yöntemidir. J. L. Moreno bu tekniği Birinci Dünya Savaşı yıllarında geliştirdi ve sonrasında verdiği konferanslarla bu yöntemi tanıttı. 1958'de Türkiye'de verdiği konferanstan etkilenen Dr. Abdülkadir Özbek Türkiye'de psikodramayı kurumsallaştıran önemli isimlerden oldu. Yaklaşık yirmi yıl sonra psikodramayı Türkiye'de uygulanmaya başladı. Bu makalede psikodramanın tanımı, Türkiye'ye geliş süreci, enstitülerle kurumsallaşması, psikodramanın gelişimine katkıda bulunan bireyler ve Üstün Dökmen'in kendi geliştirdiği tekniklerden bahsedilecektir.Item Restricted Recep Yazıcıoğlu'nun Erzincan Valiliği süresince şehre katkıları(Bilkent University, 2020) Kayapınar, Özgenur; Arslan, Elif; Koçak, Batuhan Safa; Pınar, Çağan; Ergovan, İzmirRecep Yazıcıoğlu Erzincan'ın en başarılı ve tanınan valilerinden biridir. 1980 ve 1990'lı yıllarda Erzincan'da valilik görevini sürdüren Yazıcıoğlu, Erzincan ilinin ekonomik ve sosyal alanlarda kalkınabilmesi için birçok çalışma yürütmüş, ve bu çalışmalar büyük başarılarla sonuçlanarak Türkiye'de oldukça ses getirmiştir. Karakteristik özellikleri, siyasi tutumu ve mesleğindeki yenilikçi yaklaşımlarıyla eşi benzeri görülmemiş bir vali olan Recep Yazıcıoğlu, Erzincan'ı yalnızca kalkındırmamış, aynı zamanda Erzincan ilinde yaşanan sorunları da özveri ve azimle çözebilmiştir. Erzincan valisi olarak görevini sürdürdüğü sırada Yazıcıoğlu şehrin en önemli ulaşım güzergâhlarından biri olan Kemaliye Başpınar Köprüsü'nün yeniden inşasında etkin bir şekilde rol almıştır. Karşısına çıkan tüm engellere rağmen Erzincan ili için çalışmayı sürdüren Recep Yazıcıoğlu, aynı zamanda Erzincan turizminin kalkındırılması adına önemli çalışmalarda bulunmuş ve şehrin tarihi ve doğal güzelliklerini ön plana çıkararak turistlerin ilgisini çekmeyi başarabilmiştir. Yazıcıoğlu'nun eşsiz ve başarılı bir yerel yönetim figürü olmasında kendisinin halka daima yakın olması ve eşitlikçi bir tutum benimsemesinin kayda değer bir önemi bulunmaktadır. Valilik kariyeri boyunca getirdiği birçok yenilik ve elde ettiği birçok başarı sebebiyle "Süper Vali" adıyla anılmaya başlayan Yazıcıoğlu, geçirdiği bir trafik kazası sonucunda hayatını ani bir şekilde kaybetmesinden sonra dahi gelecek valilere örnek olarak gösterilmeye devam etmiştir.Item Open Access Rights based approaches to development in international development organizations(2009) Güçlü, SibelIn the recent years, rights talk is used within development theory and practice at a frequent rate; under the heading of rights- or human rights-based approaches to development. Although there are significant challenges; the past two decades have witnessed a momentous rise of attention of the multilateral institutions, international organizations, international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) to the approach. The main argument of this thesis is that the implementation of rights-based approaches seriously depends on how the idea is framed. This thesis utilizes framing in the context of the UNDP. By looking at the official policy notes, project documents, concept papers and briefings, this study traces how human rights-based approaches to development are framed within the UNDP.