ti m ,2 M men ty, B Harv tts 0 cagla ber 9979 etic ctru re sh erat n th cavi structure exhibits a plasma frequency below which to the localization of the field within a subwavelength 88 OPTICS LETTERS / Vol. 34, No. 1 / January 1, 2009the material is opaque [2]. On the other hand, con- structing a negative  medium is difficult because of the absence of a magnetic charge. Pendry et al. [3] proposed in 1999 that split-ring resonator (SRR) structures exhibit negative . Thereafter, composite metamaterials (CMMs) with simultaneously nega- tive  and  were constructed with a combination of wire and SRR structures [4]. Since then many experi- mental and theoretical works that have been re- ported were conducted for novel applications, such as negative refraction [5], subwavelength focusing [6], cloaking [7], and reverse Doppler shift [8]. In addition to the negative index of refraction, metamaterials have another important property: The unit cells of metamaterials are much smaller than the operating wavelength. This property can also lead to different novel applications, such as the local- ization of the field into a subwavelength region. Re- cently, the localization of the field has attained great interest from the scientific community, since it is the key issue of several applications. One method for ob- region. The SRR structure that we used for the present study was a one-dimensional periodic arrangement of square rings. The CMM structure was obtained by the combination of the SRR structure and wire stripes. The structures were printed on a Teflon sub- strate with =2.17, in which the thickness of the sub- strate was 1 mm. The wire stripes were on the back of the substrate, and the square SRRs were on the front faces. The thickness of the copper was 0.05 mm. The width of the wire stripes was 1.6 mm. The lattice constant along the x direction (propagation direction) was 4.95 mm. There were five layers along the propa- gation direction, in which the height of the structure was 40 layers. Thirty layers of structures were stacked with a 2 mm period along the z direction. The E field was in the y direction. The details regard- ing the unit cell of the metamaterial structures are shown in Figs. 1(a) and 1(b). The experimental setup consisted of an HP 8510C network analyzer and two standard gain horn antennae in order to measure theExperimental observa localization using meta Humeyra Caglayan,1,* Irfan Bulu 1Nanotechnology Research Center-NANOTAM, Depart Engineering, Bilkent Universi 2School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Massachuse *Corresponding author: Received August 5, 2008; revised Novem posted December 3, 2008 (Doc. ID We report subwavelength localization of electromagn ity resonances are observed in the transmission spe terials cavity structures. These cavity resonances a cells of metamaterials are much smaller than the op sible within these metamaterial cavity structures. I field is localized into a region of  /8, where  is the America OCIS codes: 350.4010, 160.3918. The response of any material to electromagnetic (EM) waves is determined by two parameters: dielec- tric permittivity () and magnetic permeability . Generally,  of naturally occurring materials is posi- tive. Four decades ago, Veselago [1] proposed that ar- tificially constructed materials can enable the nega- tive values of  and , since there are no restrictions with the laws of electromagnetism. In this pioneering study, Veselago predicted that via artificially con- structed materials, along with simultaneously nega- tive  and , difficulty in obtaining negative refrac- tion, reverse Doppler shift, and backward Cherenkov radiation can all be overcome. However, obtaining a simultaneously negative  and  and, therefore, a negative index of refraction is a significant challenge. Metallic thin wires arranged periodically are good candidates for a negative  medium, because thistaining a localized field is to make a deformation in a 0146-9592/09/010088-3/$15.00 ©on of subwavelength aterial-based cavities arko Loncar,2 and Ekmel Ozbay1 t of Physics, Department of Electrical and Electronics ilkent, 06800 Ankara, Turkey ard University, 33 Oxford Street, Cambridge, 2138, USA yan@fen.bilkent.edu.tr 11, 2008; accepted November 23, 2008; 3); published December 24, 2008 fields within cavities based on metamaterials. Cav- m of a split-ring resonator and composite metama- own to exhibit high-quality factors. Since the unit ion wavelength, subwavelength localization is pos- e present Letter, we show that the electromagnetic ty resonance wavelength. © 2008 Optical Society of unit cell of the periodic structure. This phenomenon has been investigated experimentally and theoreti- cally in photonic crystal structures [9–11]. Photonic crystal defects have many important applications such as thresholdless semiconductor lasers [12] and single-mode light-emitting diodes [13]. However, de- fect structures in metamaterials are investigated only for periodically arranged single negative materi- als [14]. In the present Letter, we investigate cavity formation in SRR and CMM structures. We first present the transmission results for SRR and CMM structures. Subsequently, we introduce the cavity structure and present the transmission of the SRR cavity and CMM cavity structures. Our results show that the modification of a unit cell of the metamate- rial can exhibit a cavity resonance. Finally, we show that the cavity formation in the metamaterials leadstransmission amplitude. The calculations throughout 2009 Optical Society of America January 1, 2009 / Vol. 34, No. 1 / OPTICS LETTERS 89the Letter were performed by the commercial soft- ware program CST Microwave Studio. The SRR structure that was used in this work has a bandgap between 5 and 7 GHz. However, the closed-ring resonator (CRR) structure, which was ob- tained by closing the splits in the rings, transmitted EM waves at these frequencies [Fig. 2(a)]. Therefore, this gap is due to the magnetic resonance [15], in which the SRR structure exhibits a negative  me- dium. When the electromagnetic field passes through the ring, an induced current is created, and the gen- erated field is perpendicular to the magnetic field of the light. The magnetic resonance results in a nega- tive . EM waves cannot propagate in the negative  medium and possess a bandgap in the spectrum. On the other hand, the CMM structure transmits EM waves at the bandgap frequency of the SRR [Fig. 2(b)], since it has negative  and () at this range [4]. To break the symmetry of these periodic left- handed metamaterials, we changed the center unit cell of the structures by a closed-ring structure, which was placed on both sides of the board and pos- sessed positive  and  [Fig. 1(c)]. This deformation in the SRR and CMM structures resulted in a cavity structure with a cavity resonance in the transmission spectrum. In Figs. 3(a) and 3(b) the transmission from the SRR cavity and CMM cavity structures are shown, respectively. The calculations agreed well with the experiments. We observed a cavity reso- nance with the Q factor (quality factor, defined as the center frequency, divided by the FWHM) of 192 at Fig. 1. (a) Unit cell of the SRR structure: a=4.95 mm, b =0.25 mm. (b) Unit cell of the CMM structure: c=1.6 mm. (c) Cavity structure: d=5.4 mm, e=1 mm. The unit cells of metamaterials are much smaller than the operating wavelength. Fig. 2. (Color online) (a) The SRR structure has a bandgap between 5 and 7 GHz. However, the CRR structure trans- mits EM waves (black curve). Hence, the SRR structure ex- hibits 0 medium at these frequencies. (b) The CMM structure transmits EM waves, because it has 0 and 0 at this range.6.7 GHz 44.7 mm by the SRR cavity structure. The cavity resonance of the CMM structure was obtained at 7.5 GHz 40 mm with a Q factor of 108. The reflection of the SRR (CMM) structure is very high in the negative  frequency range, and, there- fore, the SRR (CMM) structures on both sides of the cavity behave like frequency-specific mirrors [16,17]. Any propagating light that is trapped between them will bounce back and forth between these two mir- rors. Since the mirrors localize light within a finite region, the modes are quantized into discrete fre- quencies, just as in Fabry–Perot resonances. The cav- ity resonance frequency depends on the geometry and size of the defects, as well as the geometry of the SRR and CMM. This mechanism is investigated in [18]. The calculated electric-field distributions for the cavity structures show that the EM waves at the cav- ity resonance are trapped at the positive index region (Fig. 4). The length of the cavity is only  /8, where  is the cavity resonance wavelength. Hence, the field at the cavity resonance is enhanced at the subwave- length cavity region. Such a structure with enhanced electromagnetic fields can be used for several appli- cations, including nonlinear optics. Although it is possible to localize light into a subwavelength region with a regular Fabry–Perot cavity, this localization is not smaller than  /2n, where n is the refractive in- dex of the dielectric gap. However, the phase disper- sion properties of metamaterial-based cavity systems can be used to confine light into even smaller sub- wavelength dimensions. Although the field is highly localized at the cavity region, the quality factors are not that high. The cal- culated transmissions for an SRR cavity structure Fig. 3. (Color online) A cavity structure is introduced by replacing the center unit cell with a positive-index me- dium. The cavity resonance is observed at 6.7 GHz 44.7 mm and 7.5 GHz 40 mm by the (a) SRR cavity structure and (b) the CMM cavity structure, respectively. Fig. 4. (Color online) The calculated electric field is highly localized at the cavity region for (a) SRR cavity and (b) CMM cavity structures. Hence, the field at the cavity reso- nance is enhanced at the subwavelength  /8 cavity re- gion. (Red indicates the maximum, and blue indicates the minimum.) without loss, with loss on a board only, and loss on metal only showed that the transmission at the cav- ity resonance is decreased because of the loss of the board and metal (Cu). The calculated Q factor for the SRR cavity resonance without loss is 3290, whereas for the CMM cavity it is 1420. Therefore, one can ob- tain metamaterial cavities with higher Q factors by using different designs and materials. In conclusion, we report what we believe to be the first experimental observation of cavity formation in metamaterials. Our results showed that it is possible to obtain a cavity structure by the deformation of a unit cell of metamaterials. We presented the Q fac- tors of the cavity resonances as 192 for an SRR-based cavity and 108 for a CMM-based cavity. Furthermore, it is possible to obtain a Q factor as high as 3290 us- ing loss-free materials. We subsequently showed that the field is localized into a subwavelength  /8 re- gion at the cavity resonance frequency. The proposed cavity structures can be extended to optical frequen- cies and can be used in several applications such as nonlinear optics [19] and high-density data storage. 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